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· 19 min read
Robert Meyer

I’m excited to announce the most significant update so far. It includes many new features that enhance both the language and toolkit. I apologise yet again for not updating the documentation, but I promise to work on it as soon as possible. In the meantime, you can use this announcement as a reference for the new features.

Grammar Changes

Type Restrictions

Token grammar patterns presently use the 'val' keyword to define a token to be captured. As the grammar is fairly easy-going in terms of what this could represent, this in theory could be anything. This causes issues when we want a token to be of a specific type. Let's use the newly renamed InvocationToken, once called the OperationToken as an example. The pattern for this is defined using the following:

val '(' ( expr ','? )+ ')'

This works, but as mentioned that 'val' could be anything. For example, you could have an IfToken defined as the name with the brackets and parameters after! This is where the new ability to specify type restrictions can be used:

val:String '(' ( expr ','? )+ ')'

To add a type we simply add a ':' and the named type of the value it is expecting. If the token provided does not match then this token will not get matched or if it's already on the stack during tokenization, it will throw an error. This should allow a lot more control with regards to the structure of our tokens and error reporting.

Grammar References

Up until now, if you wanted to define a token you had to be fairly explicit with the pattern structure. Everything had to be declared in full will little option for deviation. Let's look the Java for loop as an example where this would be a problem:

for (int i = 0;i < 10;i++) {
println("Loop " + i);

So far so easy, with our traditional approach we can define the following:

'for' '(' ( expr ';' expr ';' expr ) ')' '{' ( expr ';' )+ '}'

Fine, but how would we now add single line support like the following?

for (int i = 0;i < 10;i++) println("Loop " + i);

You could make the curly braces optional tokens, but this can quickly turns into a mess. Additionally, what happens when we want to add support for different types of loops? Java supports both for and for-each loops using the same keyword and you can't do that using optionals. This is the problem I originally faced when adding loops which led to me creating separate loop tokens (ForEachToken and RepeatToken).

This is where the new grammar references can be used as they provide the option to split the pattern so not only do you not need to declare everything within one token, but also providing the option to support branching patterns. Let's look at the new ForToken which replaces both previous versions (now deprecated):

'for' '(' [ fixedLoop, variableLoop ] ')' [ singleLine, multiLine ]

Grammar references are defined within a pair of square brackets. You can have one or more references to other tokens based on whether you want a fixed structure with deferred processing, or a branch. At this stage I also need to introduce the idea of token types. By default, all tokens have the default PRIMARY type assigned. However, you can now define tokens to be SECONDARY where they can't be used on their own but are dependent on other tokens. In the above example, the ForToken is the PRIMARY with both FixedLoopToken and VariableLoopToken's being SECONDARY.

In somewhat of a divergence, the SingleLineToken is a PRIMARY but the MultiLineToken is a SECONDARY. Why is this? Well, as part of normal code you could define:

myVar = 1 + 1;

You would not however do the same with a multi-line brackets unless it belongs to another token. Of course this up to the individual and their language so this can always be changed. A token can be defined as a SECONDARY by calling the overloaded Token constructor here:

public FixedLoopToken() {
super("fixedLoop", null, TokenType.SECONDARY);

By omitting this third parameter it will default to PRIMARY. You'll also notice that the name declared as the first constructor parameter is important as that is used as the unique reference in the grammar. Using this approach, we can now define the pattern for that approach:

public String getPattern() {
return "expr ';' expr ';' expr";

There is also the addition of a new interface called TokenCallback. This provides a method with a callback to the parent token. Why would we do this? Well, on each iteration of the loop, we would want to call back to the parent token to invoke the body token. This is achieved through a functional interface and subsequent lambda function. Here is the process function code of the ForToken:

public List<Token<?>> process(SLOPParser parser, SLOPContext context, SLOPConfig config) {
Token<?> loopToken = getTokenGroups().get(0).getFlatTokens().get(0);
Token<?> bodyToken = getTokenGroups().get(1).getFlatTokens().get(0);
return loopToken.processWithCallback(parser, context, config, () -> {
List<Token<?>> result = bodyToken.processNoParams(parser, context, config);
if (result.size() == 1 && result.get(0) instanceof ReturnToken) {
return Optional.of(result.get(0));
return Optional.empty();

You'll also notice mention of a ReturnToken. This replaces the existing 'result = ' method used to transport values. This also makes use of a new feature called Parser Flags, but I'll save explaining that and some of the finer points about the return until later. As one final comment on grammar references, migration of existing tokens over to using grammar references has started but is a gradual process. As such, whilst some have been done others do remain untouched. Rest-assured though that upgrades will be made where applicable to all tokens in the future.

New operators

Increment / Decrement Equals

This has been a long time coming as providing the ability to add or remove from the value of a variable whilst not having to explicitly retrieve it first was absent. I am now happy to reveal that this has now been added and it works with all default types. If you do have your own custom types and want to provide this functionality then all it takes is to add in an entry into the TypeOperations implementation for that class. For example, in the MapOperation class now that we have the following in our supported list of operations:

private Token<?> handleMapOperations(SLOPContext context, OperatorHandler handler, String varName, Map<Token<?>,Token<?>> original,
Map<Token<?>,Token<?>> compare, OperatorToken operator, CustomOperation customOp) {
final Map<Token<?>, Token<?>> result;
switch (handler.getOpType(operator)) {
result = new HashMap<>(original);
context.set(varName, result);

We can now run the following code:

myMap = {};
myMap += {aKey -> aValue};

New tokens

Return Token

As previously mentioned, the return token replaces the existing 'result = ' method of returning values. This operates in much the same way as other languages in that when it is called, all other content is ignored and it instantly returns the value. This makes use of a new feature called Parser Flags which tell the parser to treat it differently. I won't go into too much detail about those now but will discuss it later in the Toolkit Changes section. Although the return token is simple in its nature, it does have one optional flag providing a special feature. This is the '&' character and when defined will allow each result to be collated together into a collection and returned as a whole. This removes the need to maintain a separate list which you then add elements to and return. An example can be seen here:

for (emp : employees) return &;

This will return a list of all employees names, though I would suggest using this alternative instead if extracting a field from a collection:

If the '&' were to be omitted, this would return the first instance of an employee name.


The range token provides a fast way of creating a list of values between two values. It is used by defining two values separated by '..' and can be used in other tokens as it just returns a standard collection. For example, you can now define the following:

for(char : A..Z) return & char;

This returns a list of all characters (inclusive) between A and Z. You can also use numbers and other characters as it simply iterates between the two, so be warned you might end up with a big list!

Elvis, not him. I put this in the token section although traditionally it is called an Elvis operator. During my recent play with functions and recursion, I noticed it was a pain to keep comparing a value to null using the traditional conditional token. As such, although I've never used it in anger in another language, I thought it would be nice to add this feature. It simply follows the approach where if a value is null then it uses a defined secondary value. An example can be seen here:

memMap = {};
func fastFib(n) {
if (n <= 1) return n;
/* If the results exist use that, alternatively perform recursive call */
result = memMap.get(n - 1) ?: fastFib(n - 1) + memMap.get(n - 2) ?: fastFib(n - 2);
memMap += {n -> result};" +
return result;
return fastFib(47);

Firstly, yes that is a comment and another new feature, though not really noteworthy compared to the rest of this. In the above example we are checking to see if the current n iteration exists in the memory map. If so, we can skip recursing and just use that value. There is a bit of unnecessary code here as regardless of whether it exists in the map or not, we are re-adding it. Still, it is a very performant alternative compared to the traditional recursive approach. This brings us nicely onto the next section which is...


Apologies if you're confused by what I mean by functions as surely haven't we had functions since the beginning? Well, those were what I would refer to as system and definitely Java written functions. As you have no doubt seen by the above, what I am referring to here are user defined functions which can be defined and run through the use of the updated InvocationToken. These work much in the same way as most other languages. They define a list of parameters which are a requirement to be fulfilled when it is called. The FunctionToken makes use of a new toolkit interface called TokenParameters which allows parameters to be passed between two tokens directly:

public class FunctionToken extends Token<Void> implements TokenParameters {

public FunctionToken() {
super("Function", null);


public List<Token<?>> process(SLOPParser parser, SLOPContext context, SLOPConfig config) {
//Adds itself as a SINGLETON into memory under the function name

public List<Token<?>> process(SLOPParser parser, SLOPContext context, SLOPConfig config, List<Token<?>> providedParams) {
//Evaluates the embedded function tokens to resolve a result

When the token is first evaluated by the parser, it calls the traditional process method. This simply adds itself into memory as a SINGLETON. This is a variable type meaning that so long as it's not part of an instance, there is only ever one of them. The other method is called directly by the InvocationToken so that parameters can be passed.

Another big challenge was supporting recursion. This is because each time a method is called it needs to maintain its own set of values of the same parameters and changes to those. The test method for this was the following simple function:

func fibonacci(n) {
return n <= 1 ? n : fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2);
result = fibonacci(10);

After many hours trawling through stack traces and logs, I finally came out with an approach using multi-layered variable storing. On each recursive iteration and variable store, a new version is pushed to a stack and removed once the token execution has completed.


Having gone through the trials of implementing functions and recursion, I thought I may as well go all in and implement types. This required a bit of creating thinking as to how this would work. The first stage was to add a new variable type called PROTOTYPE so that it can act as a blueprint from which instances can be created. The biggest issue was how to deal with type properties. Variables could be defined within the class itself, but without creating lots of handlers and relations, how could they easily be managed? In the end I decided to store a LinkedHashMap as the instance value and that would store each field value. In this first iteration, these would be defined either through definition in the type declaration or as part of a constructor.

I still plan on managing instance declared variables at the top-level to this map, but this will require further work of capturing those set events which I deemed outside the scope of this first trial implementation. As such, the format I came up with for defining a type uses the following:

type MyType(a,b,c) {
/* ... */

Parameters / Variables

These parameters work in the same way as a Java record where the type has 3 fields (a, b and c). These values can be accessed from within the instance and its children as well as from the outside using the FieldToken. For example, for the following:

type MyType(a,b,c) {
/* ... */

test = new MyType(1,2,3);
return test.a + test.b + test.c;

This would return the result 6. Likewise, doing the following:

type MyType(a,b,c) {
function aTest() {
return a + b + c;

test = new MyType(1,2,3);
return test.aTest();

Would return the same result.

NOTE: Any variables declared within an instance are added to global storage currently. Only those declared within the type paramters and constructors are added locally. This will be fixed as a priority.


The current model for inheritance only supports extending the functionality and properties of another type. Parents can be defined by using the '<-' notation after the name and optional parameters. For example:

type ParentType(d);

type ChildType(a,b,c,d) <- ParentType;

test = new ChildType(1,2,3,4);
return test.a + test.d;

This looks a bit strange as neither the ParentType nor ChildType's have bodies. This is actually optional, but still allows properties to be referenced, used and changed. In the above case we see that we have the ParentType which has a property of 'd'. However, by defining that property we also make it a required field which must be set. This is why we also declare 'd' in the ChildType declaration. If we don't declare that and just do type ChildType(a,b,c) <- ParentType;, we get the following error:

'MyType' has a dependency on 'ParentType' which requires parameter(s) 'd' to be 
defined in the class definition or constructor. Please add this to the MyType
type definition.

Functions and resources can be defined in the parent and used within the child class. There is no notion of modifiers yet, so everything is public at this early stage.


Constructors work in the same way as the type parameters, but offer different sets of fields. When a class inherits from a type it will try and match the parameters against one of these. If no match was found then an error will be thrown. Constructors are defined by using the 'this' keyword with braces and values. For example:

type ParentType {

You can also provide a body to perform other actions in constructor e.g.

type ParentType {
this(d) {
d += 3.14;

At this early stage, the actual design and implementation of these hasn't been finalised but provides a way to declare dynamic and changing types. As mentioned earlier, it is my plan to return to types and their implementation to improve and enhance in the future.

Building / Load from File

You can now save your expressions to file in a "compiled" state using SLOPProcessor.tokenizeToFile(expression, path). This provides a performance boost as it uses the saved lexer result and loads it straight into the parser. There is no specific file type for either SLOP source files or "compiled" files and as such that decision is up to you. To load a "compiled" source file simply use processor.processFromFile(filePath, SLOPContext).


Following on from the ability to now save and load source files, I am happy to announce the addiiton of the import token. This allows both "compiled" and raw source files to be loaded in at runtime. Here is an example of the syntax:

import 'CompiledSource', @'UncompiledSource.slp';

As can be seen above, to load an uncompiled source file and use its declared functions, types and other resources, you have to precede the declaration with an '@'. This will inform the token that it needs to be pre-compiled first. You can declare multiple imports in the same import statement or load them in separate statements e.g.

import './compiled/CompiledSource';
import @'./source/UncompiledSource.slp';

/* Call external function in compiled source */
/* Call external function in uncompiled source */

Toolkit Changes

Parser flags

During the development of all the aforementioned features, it became apparent that I needed a way for the parser to handle specific types of events or be able to pass messages to others through their response. These events are common across languages and using flags could adopt a common approach within the parser itself (another way to say hardcode!). As such, I added a new field called parserFlags to the Token class. At this stage there are the following flags that can be set:

public enum ParserFlag {

As previously mentioned, some of these affect the behaviour of parser execution including BREAK, RETURN, CONTINUE and EXIT. Using one of these alters the traditional flow of execution. The RETURN_GROUP also affects the parser in that execution is stopped, but it is also used to signal to the parent token to collate the results together - please see the Return Token '&' flag.

You may be looking at the above thinking "but you haven't got...". These were just the immediate set of flags I could think of, but that's not to say this won't increase in number in future. Please let me know if there are any I'm missing and I'll do my best to get them added into the next release.

Variable Types

Variable types determine how a value that is stored in context is handled. There are currently five types which are the following:

public enum VariableType {
  1. DEFAULT: This is the default type for a stored value and no special provisions will be undertaken. The value is simply stored and retrieved
  2. PARAMETER: This is used when storing parameter values of tokens. The difference here is that special provision is given to keeping track of the depth of the active token when it is defined. It also uses a variable stack so that as a function is recursed, values are pushed and removed upon each declaration and token completion. This means that even if a function calls itself mid-way, once the recursion has completed and returned, the original parameter value will now be the top of the stack. This accounts for changes to that variable as the token and depth will remain the same until it is completed.
  3. PROTOTYPE: This is where a token acts as a blueprint for an INSTANCE type variable. A token adds itself as a PROTOTYPE when it is initially called by the parser, but then can be cloned to create instances. It is similar to a SINGLETON as only one will exist under a given name.
  4. INSTANCE: An instance is cloned from a PROTOTYPE. This is used to flag to other tokens that a given object can be modified. In the case of SLOP, this is used by the FieldToken to check that the reference is an instance. If so it will defer the calls to the token instance.
  5. SINGLETON: Much like the design pattern, this ensures that only one exists in memory at any one time. This is used by functions defined at the top-level.

Closing Comments

I realise that with this update not everything has been left in a fully completed state. Types still require some attention but for a first try I am happy with the results. More work and testing is planned to finalize what works and what doesn't. I think this is the first time I now look at the project and feel it is finally starting to reach maturity. The speed at which I am able to add features shows I've done something right. Everything just fits together well and it's rare I ever come across a situation where changes need to be made to the underlying code to get something to work (ahem, Parser Flags).

My plans for the future are to keep pushing the envelope and see where I end up. I now view SLOP as almost a language creation tool rather than a language in its own right. The current group of tokens is more acting as a test platform to ensure everything is working as it should. The next steps will be to release another artifact for just the toolkit, stripping out all but the base tokens. From there I'll aim to write a tutorial on how to get started and put it out there. Don't get me wrong, there are still bugs I've yet to discover in the lexer and no doubt these will arise when this happens, but I feel now is the time to release it and see what happens.

Until the next time, as always you can always contact me with issues, questions or feedback at I always welcome hearing from anyone good or bad.


· 2 min read
Robert Meyer

I am excited to announce the release of SLOP 1.37, a major update that focuses on improving the stability and reliability of the language. This update resolves all known issues and bugs, making SLOP more robust and efficient than ever.

I have also added a new feature that lets you try out SLOP expressions directly from your browser. Just click on the “Try it now” button on the main menu and you can start writing and running your own expressions without any installation or setup. This feature is currently in beta, but I am working hard to make it more powerful and user-friendly.

I have big plans for this feature and want to make it easier for you to learn and use SLOP. That’s why I will soon update all the SLOP code examples in the documentation section with a link to this page, so you can see them in action and modify them as you wish. As it is in beta, I am aware of issues when defining variables but will aim to fix them as soon as possible.

I hope you enjoy this update and find it useful for your projects. As always, if you have any feedback, questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact me via email and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

· 7 min read
Robert Meyer

After working hard for the last couple of weeks, I am pleased to announce that SLOP 1.35 has been released. There have been numerous fixes and changes since the last version. I will list a few of them below:


Referencing variable tags i.e. {?myVariable} has now been replaced with their regular name equivalents e.g. myVariable. As such, you can now perform assignments and references using the same tag:

> myVariable = 12
Result: 12
> myVariable
Result: 12
> newVariable = myVariable - 4
Result: 8

For comparison, here is the original fibonacci example (see here for more details):

[a = 0,b = 1] + repeat(i++,0,<10) result = {?a} + {?b}; a = {?b}; b = {?result};

This is now replaced with the simpler definition:

[a = 0,b = 1] + repeat(i++,0,<10) result = a + b; a = b; b = result;

Please be aware that variables are case-sensitive, so you must use the same case when referencing.

Collection Filters

Conditional filtering can now be done using the collections index section. Using the following example, the context is initialised with a sample company and employees. There is also an array of top earners that we'll reference later:

private static Company sampleCompany() {
Company company = new Company();
return acme;

public static void main(String[] args) {
//Create and initialise context
SLOPContext context = new SLOPContext();
context.set("acme", sampleCompany());
//Create config and allow unsafe operations
SLOPConfig config = new SLOPConfig();
config.setProperty(DefaultProperty.SAFE_OPERATIONS, false);
SLOPProcessor processor = new SLOPProcessor(config);
//Use passed parameter to the app and print result
System.out.println(String.format("Result: %s",
processor.processStatic(args[0], context));

Traditionally, if you wanted to filter and map collection items, you would have to use a loop in your expression:

foreach (emp : acme.employees) if (emp.age < 40) result =;

You can now remove the loop entirely by using the following:

acme.employees[^~age < 40].name

Both of the above provide the following result:

Result: ['Bob', 'Anna']

The initial '^' character flags up to the Parser that this is using condition criteria rather than a standard integer index. The '~' character denotes that any field reference following it should be taken from the item being iterated in the collection. You have free-reign over how you define conditions so long as they evaluate to booleans. This includes the use of logical operators, for example:

acme.employees[^acme.topEarners.contains(~payrollId) and ~name.startsWith('S')]

As we're not defining a field, this would output the entire matched object:

Result: Employee(employeeId='EMP2', payrollId=321, name='Sharon', age=54)

In the expression above we're using the collection native call contains() on the topEarners list to filter to those employees that have a matching payroll ID. Second to this, a second native call startsWith() is used to filter names beginning with an 'S'. This results in Sharons employee object being returned. If we wanted to fetch this object in its Java native form, we would use:

Employee result = processor.process(args[0], context).getValue(Employee.class);

Static Referencing

You can now add references to enums and static class methods via a new include() method in the configuration object. Let's see this in action by adding an enum we want to reference:

SLOPConfig config = new SLOPConfig();
config.include("testEnum", "dev.slop.enums.TestEnum");

For reference this enum has the following definition:

package dev.slop.enums;

public enum TestEnum {

private int value;

TestEnum(int value) {
this.value = value;

public int getValue() {
return this.value;

We can now reference a value within the enum by using the '#' symbol. For example:

(#testEnum.VALUE_A.value + 124) / 4

Would result in:

Result: 31

We can now also reference enums within another class by using the '$' character. For example, using the same enum but located within another class, first we include the reference:

config.include("testClass", "dev.slop.model.TestClass");

With the following defined class but the same enum:

package dev.slop.model;

public class TestClass {
public enum TestEnum {

We can perform the following for the same result:

(#testClass.$TestEnum.VALUE_A.value + 124) / 4

Unary Operator

This was an oversight on my part and now have happily added the ability to use '!' in front of a Boolean value or expression to negate it. This works in exactly the same way as other languages e.g.

> !(3 > 4)
Result: true
> !!(3 > 4)
Result: false
> !(!(3 > 4) == 4 > 3)
Result: false

Syntax Validation

This has been included since the last version (1.32) but I did not document it. If you type a statement and make a mistake, it will show an error and highlight the problem and location:

> repeat(i++;0;<10) result = i + 1;

dev.slop.exception.LexerException: Expected token ',' in RepeatToken but expression ended prematurely.
- Guidance: A repeat statement requires 3 parts of the iteration to be defined and separated by a ','
character e.g. repeat ( i++, 0, <10 ) ...
- Last Read Tokens: 'result','=','i','+','1'
- Expression: repeat(i++;0;<10) result = i + 1;

In the above example, we have mistakenly used semi-colons instead of commas when defining the repeat loop. It is showing that it expected the token ',' and will provide guidance where it thinks you have gone wrong. This is now implemented by all statements and in case you are looking to add this to your own tokens, this occurs by overriding the following method in your Token class:

public Optional<String> getGuidance(String expected, List<Integer> groupsCount) {
if (expected.equalsIgnoreCase(","))
return Optional.of("A repeat statement requires 3 parts of the iteration to be defined and " +
"separated by a ',' character e.g. repeat ( i++, 0, <10 ) ...");

LinkedHashMap Support

SLOP now supports the use of LinkedHashMap's. The reason for this may not be clear unless you are familiar with JSON and use it frequently in serialisation / de-serialisation. What this allows you to do for example is create a POST REST endpoint that allows unstructured JSON payloads to be pushed. This can be serialised into a LinkedHashMap and passed directly into the SLOP context to act like a normal model object. This means you don't have to have the class definition or DTO's on the classpath to use them in SLOP expressions. Once added they work in exactly the same way as normal objects allowing SLOP to work independently of additional code dependencies.

Closing Comments

There are many other changes and bug fixes I have made, but without turning this into war and peace I will end it here. I realise some of the documentation is now out of date now and will endeavour to update this in due course. I am still hard at work on my side project which uses SLOP, with many of the changes and improvements coming from that. There is still so much I want to do and have a lot planned in the coming months. One of these is the ability to assign values to tokens. The majority of tokens will remain immutable as it makes no sense to assign values to them, but certain ones like the ability to modify values within the structure of a context object or collection are on my radar.

As always, if you have any feedback, questions or concerns please email me at or head on over to the board here.